
Many organizations are important partners in the idRIDER community. These include educational campuses, residential complexes, and even large employers who have a base of employees who ride their bicycles to work.

It is essential that bicycle owners register their bicycle so that in the event a bike is lost or stolen, as part of the large and powerful idRIDER database it has an exponentially higher chance of being returned to its rightful owner.

It’s an important and valuable service that can be offered – information and a reminder to register a bicycle with idRIDER. We provide the materials and information you need to help educate and communicate with your base of cyclists.

We’ve found it truly takes a community to improve the probability that a stolen bike is returned to where it belongs.

The registration process was quick and easy to register my family’s bikes. Now I have peace of mind knowing if something happens to my bike, I have a much better chance of getting it back.

Every responsible bike owner should take a few moments to register their bike with idRIDER. I did.

For anyone who thinks it’s not worth the 3 minutes to register your bike – think again.

idRIDER helps ensure stolen bikes do not end up on the used bicycle black market – and instead stay with their rightful owner.

I was so thankful that my bike was able to be identified and returned to me. Without proper identification of my bike, there was not a chance I was going to get it back. I was lucky that idRIDER was so careful and took time to find the punched in serial number. I wouldn’t expect that level of care from just anyone. Having a way to identify my bike was crucial to its return, and I think having various ways to identify and get the word out about stolen bikes can help to get them back to their owners.

Did you know?

In 2019, bicycles were second only to motor vehicles in number of thefts.